Knowledge, Justice, Empowerment,
Empathy and Humanity
Knowledge, Justice, Empowerment,
Empathy and Humanity
Legal Light Bulbs offers a range of consultancy services, any of which can be customised to suit your specific requirements. Listed below are our most common services and their associated fees.
Online Modules
We customise our online module programs based around your organisation’s unique needs. The resulting programs can range from being a single, long module, to a series of short to medium length modules based on specific topics. Clients are offered various subscription-based options depending on how long access to the online modules is required.
Online Modules range in price from approximately $2,500 + GST to $25,000 + GST.

Expert Court Reports
Our expert court reports are charged based on the amount of materials required, as well as the complexity of the subject matter. Costs range from approximately $1,000 + GST to $8,000 + GST.
Note: An additional hourly rate is applicable for giving testimony in court and is determined by the complexity of the topic.
Keynote Speeches (face-to-face or online)
Prices range from approximately $650.00 + GST to $4,000 + GST, plus any related travel expenses.
Fees vary depending upon whether the invited talk is a paid event or free for attendees. Costs are also determined by the complexity of the topic and time required for preparation. A sliding scale is applied with lower prices available for non-profits and NGOs.

Face-to-Face Workshops
Costs are determined by the length of the workshop (days/weeks), complexity of content, required preparation time, and whether it’s paid training or free for participants. Prices range from approximately $650.00 + GST to $4,000 + GST, plus any related travel expenses. A sliding scale is applied with lower prices available for non-profits and NGOs.
Research Projects
Cost for a research project is determined in consultation with the stakeholder, and is based on the methodologies required, complexity of subject matter, travel requirements, and number of days/weeks needed to complete the task.
Research consultancy projects range in price from $5,000 + GST to $50,000 + GST.
