Research • Training • Court reports
Specialising in violence against women, workplace abuse, access to justice.
Legal Light Bulbs offers Education and Training via Online Modules, Expert Court Reports, Face-to-face Workshops and Keynote Speeches (face-to-face or online).
Training and talks that illuminate ideas concerning: Domestic Violence; Domestic Violence and the Law; Sexual Assault; Rape and the Law; Sexual Harassment and the Law; Workplace Bullying and the Law; Uncovering our Unconscious Biases; Women and the Law; and Obstacles to Justice – for example – Women in Prison, Overseas born Women and DV and Cross-examination of Indigenous Rape Victims.
Topics related to Domestic Violence and to Domestic Violence and the Law; Topics concerning Sexual Assault and Rape and the Law; Sexual Harassment and the Law; Workplace Bullying and the Law; Uncovering our Unconscious Biases; and Obstacles to Justice research for the private sector, government, not-for-profits, and universities.
Expert Court Reports
Legal Light Bulbs offers expert court reports on the manifestations, dynamics, and effects of domestic violence and the victim’s reality of sexual assault.
The Face of Legal Light Bulbs:
Professor Patricia Easteal AM, PhD
To illuminate both social injustices & opportunities for change.
Professor Easteal of Legal Light Bulbs is a Member, Order of Australia (2010), ‘for service to the community, education, and the law through promoting awareness and understanding of violence against women, discrimination, and access to justice for minority groups.’ In the Australian honours system, appointments to the Order of Australia confer the highest recognition for outstanding achievement and service.
“I have the highest praise for Professor Patricia Easteal … she has employed her vast talents and skills as a leader, teacher, scholar, and community activist to raise awareness and achieve reform in areas of the law that affect access to justice …” (Foreword to book, ‘Women and the Law in Australia’, 2010)
– Quentin Bryce AC
(Australian Governor-General 2008-2014)

“I have the highest praise for Professor Patricia Easteal … she has employed her vast talents and skills as a leader, teacher, scholar, and community activist to raise awareness and achieve reform in areas of the law that affect access to justice …” (Foreword to book, ‘Women and the Law in Australia’, 2010)
– Quentin Bryce AC
(Australian Governor-General 2008-2014)


The Legal Light Bulbs consultancy was established in 2018 by Professor Patricia Easteal AM.
Professor Easteal is an academic, author, advocate, and activist, and is an Emeritus Professor at the School of Law and Justice at the University of Canberra. She has published 18 books, as well as over 180 journal articles and book chapters.
Her research earned her the title of ACT Australian of the Year in 2010, and the same year, an Australian Honour, ‘for service to the community, education, and the law through promoting awareness and understanding of violence against women, discrimination, and access to justice for minority groups.’ She was also a finalist in the Australian Human Rights awards in 2012, and her work as an educator earned her the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Award for Teaching Excellence (2008), and the Carrick Institute Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2007).
Legal Light Bulbs has a strong commitment to innovative legal education and unconscious biases training. Our aim is for participants to acquire the intellectual tools and self-confidence by actively questioning conventional wisdom and assumptions about the neutrality of key legal constructs such as, ‘reasonable’ and ‘relevant’, and by reflecting on the complex ties between society and the law. We take an innovative training approach, which has been widely recognised across Australia.