Illuminating social injustices
and opportunities for change.
Illuminating social injustices and opportunities for change.
Legal Light Bulbs specialises in:
Violence against Women and the Law
Workplace Abuse
Unconscious Biases
Obstacles to Justice
Legal Light Bulbs looks at the context of the law, and how social structures, language, and values affect its substance and practice, specifically in the areas of criminal law, family law, discrimination law, employment law, and immigration law.
An important feature of our research is in its application to real life issues such as law reform, as well as its relationship to our online training modules and face-to-face learning. Our products are geared to the clients’ needs and can be scholarly, empathetic, and/or consciousness-raising.
Legal Light Bulbs works together with Government Agencies including the Courts, Community Agencies, Law Firms, Non-profits, Tertiary Institutions, and Corporates through articles, expert reports, discussions, online tools, and face-to-face learning experiences.
We offer accessible, intelligible, and informative Education, Training, and Research, which unlock cutting-edge knowledge, insights, and self-awareness. See Services >
Professor Easteal was a finalist for Australian of the Year, winning the Australian of the Year (ACT), as well as receiving a Member of the Order of Australia. See more Awards >

Legal Light Bulbs looks at the context of the law, and how social structures, language, and values affect its substance and practice, specifically in the areas of criminal law, family law, discrimination law, employment law, and immigration law.
An important feature of our research is in its application to real life issues such as law reform, as well as its relationship to our online training modules and face-to-face learning. Our products are geared to the clients’ needs and can be scholarly, empathetic, and/or consciousness-raising.
Legal Light Bulbs works together with Government Agencies including the Courts, Community Agencies, Law Firms, Non-profits, Tertiary Institutions, and Corporates through articles, expert reports, discussions, online tools, and face-to-face learning experiences.
We offer accessible, intelligible, and informative Education, Training, and Research, which unlock cutting-edge knowledge, insights, and self-awareness. See Services >
Professor Easteal was a finalist for Australian of the Year, winning the Australian of the Year (ACT), as well as receiving a Member of the Order of Australia. See more Awards >
Professor Easteal has won national awards as an educator. She has been a Curriculum Designer and Subject Convenor, as well as an Invited Guest Lecturer in areas including Family Law, Employment Discrimination and the Law, and Women and the Law.
See Examples of Teaching and Learning >
Dr Easteal is invited to speak to a broad range of audiences for International Women’s Day, White Ribbon Day, and a variety of academic and general conferences including the Stop Domestic Violence Conference.
See More Invited Talks >
Dr Easteal has received multiple grants and consultancies from representative bodies such as the Supreme Court of Victoria, to ANROWS (Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research Priorities).
See more Grants and Consultancies >
Professor Easteal has published a substantial amount of research that includes, Authored and Edited Books, Published Government Reports, Academic Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Refereed Conference Papers.
See Research Publications >
Expert Court Reports
For over 20 years, Dr Easteal has provided court reports, professional advice and submissions for government and community agencies such as the Australian Law Reform Commission, and the Commonwealth Attorney General.
See more Advice and Submissions >

“Patricia Easteal is a highly regarded, energetic and innovative scholar working in the general field of access to justice. She has been one of the most outstanding contributors over the past fifteen years to the Australian discourse on equality before the law.” (Written in support of a winning application for the 2008 National Excellence in Teaching Awards.)
– The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG
(Justice of the High Court of Australia 1996-2009)